A couple of weeks ago my husband and I took a walk as we often do when the weather is nice. As we were walking, I was overwhelmed by the magic that was surrounding me. When we were getting close to home, I was surprised to see a tree growing out of a storm sewer. It was beautifully dressed in bright red leaves.
1) There's beauty everywhere if you just look for it. Keep yourself open and you can find beauty...even in the most surprising places.
2) The will to live is amazing. This little seed was somehow pushed or washed into a storm sewer. Instead of giving up, it decided to grow and be the best tree it could be, given it's circumstances.
This translates to all of us. No matter what circumstance you find yourself in, BE THE BEST YOU, YOU CAN BE. Don't focus on what you don't have. Appreciate and be grateful for what you do have.
"Bloom where you're planted."
Love, Paula