We also usually do one or two new things. This year one of the new things was to go to the California ScienCenter. There was so much to see; it was fascinating. But the big prize was that this is the new home of the space shuttle Endeavour. The first glimpse of it just took my breath away.
It's size is impressive. But looking at it and knowing where it had been and what it and the people in it had seen, was surreal.
It must make you realize how unimportant all your trials and tribulations really are. Looking at the big picture - as they were able to from space - HAS to make you change your priorities. It HAS to make you realize that the things we think are a big deal, really aren't. If ALL people could have an amazing experience like this, maybe there wouldn't be wars, budget problems, in-fighting in congress, fighting of any kind. People might realize that in the big picture, these "problems" are just silly. I would love to be able to talk to these space travelers and see how their lives and personal perspectives have changed.
Just seeing this incredible space ship made my head spin. Imagine actually traveling in it. It just boggles my mind. What a humbling experience.
Love, Paula