In Honduras I spent an incredible day at a natural hot springs. It was magical. I was in the middle of a jungle, getting a massage, bathing in hot springs and feeling like I was in another world. It was something I never dreamed I'd be doing. I was filled with awe, wonder and gratitude for being able to have this unbelievable experience.
But you don't have to go that far and spend all kinds of money to experience the magic. It's right in front of you each and every day if you just open your eyes and heart to see it. Butterflies, bees, humming birds, flowers, grass, rainbows, sun, lightening, rain, snow, colored leaves in autumn, children, puppies, kittens, clouds, sunsets... you get the idea, magic is everywhere. It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, it's available to everyone. We've all been given so much. We need to open ourselves up, see it, appreciate it, and give thanks for the magic and wonder that is our lives.
Love, Paula